Monday, June 14, 2010


Harp player at lunch


We started the day with a change of plans. At 9 am when we were about to leave to go to the cathedral there was a note from Pepe that said our plans had changed because the strike was no longer happening today, just on the 17th. We were going to not have the whole day in Cusco but rather had to pack for both Machu Picchu and leave the bulk of things in the hotel. We finally got to the cathedral and then walked up to the San Blas plaza and did a little bit of shopping. There has been very little time to do any shopping on this trip. At 1:30 we were leaving for the tour of 4 Incan sites around Cusco, return to the hotel to pick up the 3 folks that wanted to rest and then go to Ollaytantambo. This allows us to sleep in until 6 am rather than 4 am for the bus to Machu Picchu. There was a bit of traffic around our hotel and it took us longer than we thought. We finally got going around 5. Just before we got to the hotel we had to wait about 10 minutes for access to the road along the train tracks - a one way road. And then Wilbur our amazing driver backed up the street to the hotel. We had dinner here and a celebration for Helen since it was her birthday. Tomorrow is Machu Picchu and it will be great to see it again.

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