Thursday, June 10, 2010


Inca Window
Cusco Parade
We got the wake up call at 4 am and left the hotel at 5 for the 6:30 flight to Lima and then to Cusco. We had a 4 hour lay over in the Lima airport where we met the final two people on our tour. We now number 14.

Today the plans changed and instead of having an afternoon free (our first since the beginning) we were convinced to go to the main square and the cathedral to witness the procession of the saints. Many churches in town brought their saints 8 days ago in preparation for last sundays Corpus Christi celebration and today they were taken back to their respective churches. We then wandered the square and went to Korichancha, a place where the Spaniards destroyed the Incan temple and built their own religious site. Lots of people and vendors selling stuff. We are definitely into the tourist region of Peru.

Just before walking back to the hotel we were told there would be additional changes to the schedule tomorrow. The day we had planned to go to Pisac and the Sacred Valley there will be a strike of all workers and we will be unable to travel. So we are going there tomorrow. We are fine with the changes and I will let you know tomorrow how the schedule will change.

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